Letter in Support of Dam Removal from Trout Unlimited

To: Town Council, Durham NH

From: Great Bay Chapter, Trout Unlimited

Dear Councilors,

As a conservation organization, Great Bay Trout Unlimited (GBTU) is interested in conservation opportunities within the watersheds in our area. The GBTU Board of Directors is following the current discussion of options for conservation restoration in the Mill Pond area to include dam repair and siltation removal, and dam removal and limited siltation removal. We have shared links to the

information with our members and have encouraged our members who are residents of Durham to become involved in the discussion.

Our Board recognizes that the decision on these options must be made by the residents of Durham. We do favor the dam removal proposal as it opens the watershed to migrating fish species and can have lasting positive effects on the water quality and the environment in the Oyster River watershed area.

Similar recent dam removals in Exeter and Dover have noticeably enhanced the environment in the Exeter and Bellamy Rivers, respectively.

GBTU wants the Durham Town Council to know that, if a decision for dam removal offers opportunities for local organizations to team up on resulting restoration and conservation projects, we will work to mobilize our members to support and participate in those efforts.


Great Bay Trout Unlimited Board of Directors

John Silverio


Paul Spendley


Education Coordinator

John Moore

Vice President

Dave Fritz


James Phelps


Mark Seymour

Trout in the Classroom Coordinator

John McKernan



Coastal Conservation Association of New Hampshire letter in support of dam removal


Letter in support from Rising Tide Anglers in favor of dam removal